Thursday, June 14, 2007

I HATE spending money!

Well, its over and done with, but i still hate doing it. the go-cart parts are on the way, and i spent 80 bucks on them. the parts i needed were a clutch and a chain. they are on the way. what i still need is a smaller sprocket. the sprocket that we have is 84 teeth, and that just wont do. the sprocket i am going toget eventually is a 60 tooth, and we'llbe able to milk a little more speed out of that. the new sprocket is going to have to wait a while, tho, because as much as i hate spending money, i hate spending it all at once more. but i cant wait until the parts get here! then we can finally fix the darned thing once and for all. with the current sprocket, we shouldnt br able to go any faster than we gave before, but when i get the 60 tooth sprocket, i expect 60 or 70 will be our average speed... this is going to be so much fun!

you would not believe how much more a clutch for a 1 inch shaft is than a clutch for a 3/4 inch shaft... its insane...


pianochick_92 said...

LOL....I guess that you can tell who's blog is created by a guy,LOL, bc I have no idea what a sprocket or teeth or anything like that is,LOL. Oh well.......sigh

Your Conscience said...

a sprocket is a gear, and the teeth are the teeth of the gear... i thought that you might not know what they were... LOL

pianochick_92 said...

LOL, yeah, I'm pretty clueless,LOL

Your Conscience said...

before now you have had no need to know that... and you really have no need to know anymore, given the fact that you probably are not going into small engine repair for a career...

pianochick_92 said...
